DCS channel check


As the regulating brain of the entire conventional island, the quality of the DCS channel affects the regulation performance of the entire regulatory circuit. Therefore, the inspection of the DCS channel is imperative. Channel inspection has always been a very tedious task. Each overhaul has more than 350 channels that need to be verified and recorded one by one. Due to the relatively large workload, our company actively cooperates with the owner to prepare measuring instruments and communication tools before starting the DCS, and to prepare a calibration data record form. During the work, a reasonable division of labor: adding signals, viewing displays, recording data, Strive for the orderly and smooth development of the entire channel inspection work.

After everyone's cooperation, the inspection of the DCS channel was successfully completed on schedule, and each channel point reached the accuracy requirements to meet the site requirements.


On April 26, 2013, the overhaul of the Qinshan No. 2 Plant 110 was carried out in an intensive and orderly manner. Li Jian, Li Fengguang and Meng Fanyan, our company's work leaders, cooperated with the owners of the self-controlled second class to conduct DCS (conventional island distributed control system) channel inspection work.