The story of civil engineering



I met her at the end of 2006, around the winter, and working together began in the summer of 2008.

She has a beautiful face, a slender figure, a well-dressed dress, and a touch of makeup. She always has a light smile on her face, and she is slightly serious.

Her main tasks are attending regular meetings, summarizing work tickets, and tracking tasks. She has also been a clerk in Corey, receiving items, summarizing attendance, and statistical data reports. In a hurry, I often joked and asked her: "Beauty, catch the train?" She also always replied: "I still have something, please contact me!"

The nature of the job in the civil engineering department determines the serious and rigorous work attitude. Chief Yun Yunfeng often said: "Work must be practical! Just be neat! If you can do it, you can do it!" style of working.

The jargon is good: maintenance is trivial, and work is complicated and complicated. In particular, the scope of work of the Civil Engineering Division covers all civil engineering projects in the office and production areas of the second phase. After receiving the user's work contact list, it is necessary to communicate with the user and the external commission unit to coordinate various relationships, especially the maintenance work involving the production area within UD1. The procedures are more complicated, and various certificates For handling, fire certificates, RP certificates, quarantine documents, etc., there is no shortage of them. As everyone knows, the rules and regulations of nuclear power plants and the rigorous working procedures and strict time requirements. Any errors in one link will not only affect the further development of the work, but also affect the work of other departments and offices. Will affect the operation, cause economic losses and affect the completion of production tasks. This requires staff to have a good working attitude and rigorous work style, conscientiously and conscientiously, scientifically arrange work steps, set a good amount in advance, and minimize errors.

During the work, she fully communicated with the user's office and the construction unit. She was clear about the work content and explained to the construction unit various precautions. During the period, she actively cooperated and coordinated various relationships, carefully performed supervision duties, and tracked the work progress throughout the process. Report the situation to the leadership in a timely manner, and actively consider countermeasures to ensure that the work can be completed with quality and quantity. It has been well received by all parties and its achievements are obvious to all.

She is also Corey's younger sister. Although she certainly won't admit it, I am very concerned about loving her. She is still my servant and is enthusiastic to serve everyone. Just shout: "Xiao Yu, help me ... "She will do it very enthusiastically; she likes participating in various activities organized by Corey, singing, especially traveling (quietly said: when going out to play, she is a crazy girl too!) Let her hear it, and the beat of this meal was settled, hehehe!).

She met in the spring and sang the future --- A song "Excessive Fire" at the first music appreciation evening of the Agency "welcoming the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the 88th anniversary of the founding of the Party" was also a good performance and remarkable! !!

Xiao He only showed sharp corners-this is the true Yanhua who loves work, can live!