Father tree


Children's love for their parents will never be deeper than their parents' love for their children. For a long time I did not understand the profound meaning of this passage. It was not until I became a father that I realized that the love of parents was originally an innate nature and a love of life extension!

Sometimes when I watch my son play, I occasionally think about whether my father watched me like this when I was a kid, maybe it is a long time ago, my father's attention to himself has been blurred. I was ashamed of the past!

My father was an unscrupulous person. In his memory, there was always a face with the word "chuan" written on his forehead, a look of anger and authority. It seems that he has been afraid of his father since he was a child. In fact, when I was in elementary school, I was very naughty, and it was common to play slingshots and break the glass of other people's homes. I did not dare to tell my father to go home after a disaster, and only quietly told my mother that after the mother recounted, she would naturally avoid suffering. However, I don't seem to have been spanked by my father in the impression, and now I think it ’s incredible!

I spent my middle school days in a calm state. My father only had a high school culture [equivalent to the current elementary school culture]. He couldn't worry about his studies. He had to rely on his own consciousness. In the end, he mixed up with a technical secondary school. diploma!

I had a serious illness shortly after my work. At that time, the condition seemed very serious. The doctor issued a critical illness notice at the time. Fortunately, nothing happened! My mother later told me that my father was crying when he received the notice of illness ...

Although I haven't seen my father cry, and I have never had any memories of my father's tears, maybe it was from that moment that I began to realize that "a man has no tears, but it is not when he is sad A kind of strong man and a kind of father's love deeply buried in my heart!

A song sang, "It's not a sin for a man to cry. It's a sin, and no matter how much pain you have to bear ..." From my father, I learned a lot of qualities as a man: When I was young, my father was a big tree that sheltered from the wind and rain, and I was a tender shoot under the tree; when I grew up, I found that I would also become like a father Tree, stretch out your arms to support a clear sky for your children!

On a rainy day, the son sitting on the back of the bicycle used his young hand to hold an umbrella to cover the wind and rain in front of me. At that moment, I felt not only the joy of my son's growth, but also reminded me of my father's support for me. A sky rising ...