(Wanna style) Seriously fulfilling his duties and contributing new power to the development of Jiaxing


 On April 25, 2017, the two sessions of Jiaxing were in full swing. Li Yongxian, chairman of the group company, has participated in the two sessions as a member of the Jiaxing CPPCC for the second consecutive year. As the head of the group company and chairman of the Henan Chamber of Commerce in Jiaxing, Chairman Li Yongxian actively made suggestions at the two sessions. The content of the proposal involved the development of the enterprise and the chamber of commerce. Therefore, the reporter of Jiaxing Daily gave an exclusive interview with Chairman Li Yongxian The content is as follows:


As an "old member", Li Yongxian brought four suggestions this year.

As the head of Wanna Nuclear Holding Group Co., Ltd., Li Yongxian has been in the field of productive services for 20 years. His first suggestion is related to his industry. "Productive services will not occupy a lot of land. It will not cause environmental pollution, but it has outstanding performance in tax payment and employment absorption. The government work report states that in the next five years, it is necessary to promote the production service industry to specialization and the high-end extension of the value chain. I suggest that the government strengthen Support for productive services. "

The reporter learned that Wanna's main business is the operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants. Today, there are 7 subsidiaries in China and Pakistan, and more than 85% of the more than 4,100 employees are highly skilled personnel. It is commendable that Wanna Shenhe's employee turnover rate is less than 2% each year. Last year, it also received job stabilization subsidies from Haiyan County. "It is recommended that the government increase its efforts to support the construction of corporate culture in non-public enterprises, such as guiding, Guiding enterprises to strengthen party building and union building in order to enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of enterprises. "

Li Yongxian's third suggestion is about the settlement subsidies of "skilled basic talents". "To achieve industrial transformation and upgrading in Jiaxing, high-end talents such as returnees, 'national thousand' and 'provincial thousand' are required. At the same time, a large number of skilled talents are also required. Basic talents. Due to these and other difficulties, the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises cannot create better housing conditions for skilled basic talents. Therefore, I recommend that the government improve subsidies for renting and purchasing housing for such talents. "


CPPCC meeting site


President Li speaks

  "Jiaxing has a large number of chambers of commerce and industry associations. I think the government should strengthen its support for the chambers of commerce and further play the role of the chambers of commerce to promote economic transformation and upgrade and participate in the management of social innovation. This is my fourth suggestion." Li Yongxian Tell the reporter. (Article source: Reporter Xu Pei of Jiaxing Daily)


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