The group company held the 2016 year-end summary of Qinshan management and signed the safety responsibility letter



In order to implement the safety management policy of “Safety First, Prevention First, Comprehensive Governance”, to comprehensively do a good job of corporate safety management, and to enhance the awareness of safety precautions of all employees, Wanna Group's 2016 year-end summary and signing of safety responsibility letters Haiyan area was successfully convened. Group leaders including General Manager Li Yongxian, Chief Financial Officer Duan Shufang, Chief Executive Officer Lu Ziqiang, and Deputy General Manager Wang Chaorui attended the year-end summary and signing of the safety responsibility statement.

 First of all, Yuan Huan, the director of the Quality Assurance Department, introduced the importance of this year-end summary meeting of Qinshan's management and the signing of the safety responsibility letter, and related agendas. 》 Compendium of Group 4 safety compilation required by the company.

 Second, Wang Zhaorui, vice president of the group company, issued a safety notice during the Spring Festival. Made a brief report on the company's security situation in 2016 and made relevant deployments for 2017 security work. The related content of the four-level safety compilation system was briefly introduced. It was proposed that the safety management compilation system for branches, projects, and teams should be established by April, and the entire HSE system should be completed in June.

 Once again, Li Yongxian, the company's general manager, made a concluding speech at the meeting, once again emphasizing the importance of safety to individuals and enterprises. It also proposed a new work plan for 2017, calling on all employees to continue to adhere to the principles of management upgrade, service upgrade, and technology upgrade in the new year, strengthen the verification, and make efforts to build the core competitiveness of the enterprise and Work harder and better to serve nuclear power!

Finally, Li Yongxian, the general manager of the group company, signed the company-level safety responsibility letter on behalf of the general manager department and the heads of the direct departments; the project management manager He Haisheng signed the department-level safety responsibility letter with the project leader, team leader and administrator.


Director of Quality Assurance Department introduced the meeting process


Deputy General Manager reads security notice during Spring Festival


General manager, department manager and project leader sign safety responsibility letter