Wanna Shenhe Holding Group 2016 Outstanding Employee Commendation Conference


Working together to create greater glories

      On the afternoon of January 21, 2017, Wanna Shenhe Holding Group Qinshan Area 2016 Outstanding Employee Commendation and Management Annual Meeting was held in Haiyan Hotel.

More than 200 outstanding employees, teams, and the company's chairman's reward fund personnel (teams) were commended this year, covering the company's Qinshan Nuclear Power Base, Fuqing Nuclear Power Base, Tianwan Nuclear Power, 821 Maintenance and other projects, of which: Excellent employees There are 38 people and 177 people who have received the chairman's reward fund, among which 42 are managers at the grassroots level.

At the commendation meeting, Manager He of the Engineering Management Department summarized the company's project management in 2016 and looked forward to the work in 2017. Deputy General Manager Wang Chaorui read out the list of outstanding employees and personnel involved in the chairman's reward fund. Chairman of the company Li Yongxian, Chief Financial Officer Duan Shufang, Chief Executive Officer Lu Ziqiang, Deputy General Manager Wang Chaorui and leaders of various departments respectively issued certificates and bonuses for outstanding employees.

Li Dong extended a warm congratulations to the outstanding employees who were commended, encouraged everyone to summarize the results, share joy, and create new achievements, while expressing sincere condolences and thanks on behalf of the group company to all employees who have worked hard during the past year. At the meeting, Li Dong also shared with you the relevant spirit and information of participating in Zhejiang's annual economic conference. I hope that everyone will learn more, be more innovative, and more dedicated, and show more care to families, companies, and society, and actively use positive energy to go influence the others. He also stated that the group company will increase capital investment in the future and continue to carry out a series of activities such as "Wanna Forum" and related sports competitions, to better display the company culture and enrich the lives of employees.

The annual outstanding employee selection and chairman's reward fund issuance is a series of annual evaluation work started by the group company since 2013. It aims to better motivate employees' initiative, initiative and creativity, and implement the humane management concept. The evaluation work is divided into monthly evaluation and annual evaluation. It adopts the "recommended evaluation" + "project evaluation" method. It is recommended by the employing department or individual. The project management department and the company's performance evaluation management team conduct comprehensive evaluations. Effect. The annual excellent selection will be carried out at the end of the year or the beginning of the next year. The outstanding employees who have been recognized throughout the year will be selected to strengthen their sense of responsibility, mission, and honor.


Chairman He's 2016 Work Summary Report


Leader awards outstanding employee 1


Leader awards outstanding employee 2