Kaifeng company rushed to the talent market in many places to carry out recruitment


With the continuous growth of our company's business volume, a number of new nuclear power maintenance projects will be launched in the next year. In order to consolidate our business level and enrich the talents maintenance team, on December 10, 2016, Kaifeng Wanna Company President Chen led the team Xu Baoshu, Zou Weiguo, and Zuo Peng and their four rushed to the talent markets in Luoyang and Anyang to recruit staff.

       Near the end of the year and the end of the year, just before the return of labor, is the most difficult period for recruitment. To this end, our company has specially created eye-catching recruitment billboards and ample leaflets. The recruiting teachers are also engineers and technicians with many years of nuclear power work experience. During the recruitment process, while understanding the individual situation of each candidate, they also patiently introduced the company and nuclear power work situation to each candidate. Instruct applicants to fill in the application information form and conduct preliminary technical level assessment and color blindness check.

       The job fairs in the two places were very hot, and candidates were eager to sign up. Even after the job fairs were over, Kaifeng received a number of inquiries from candidates. Next, Kaifeng will further increase recruitment efforts and expand recruitment areas to lay the foundation for next year's work.

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                                                            Candidate is filling out the information form                  Candidate is filling out the information formCandidate is filling out the information form

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     Anyang job fair scene 1                                        Anyang job fair scene 2