Tianwan Project Department invites Tianwan nuclear power owners to conduct FLUKE 754 training activities


In response to the company's call for the "100-day Production Safety and Quality Contest", and in order to effectively improve the comprehensive skill level and safety production awareness of the WOP Tianwan BOP project staff, the Tianwan Project Department invited Tianwan Nuclear Power Owner personnel to contact me The staff of the project department conducted a comprehensive and specific training, which mainly included the instructions for the use of the multi-function Hart calibrator FLUKE 754, the precautions for using various instrumentation instruments on the site, and the use of anti-human factors on site.

  This training activity strengthened the skills level of Tianwan Project Department employees and their understanding of the use of on-site tools. The employees of the Project Department, under the organization of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Owner and Project Manager, both learned technical knowledge and improved their skills. During the on-site calibration of the instrument, the awareness of safety production was also improved, and the daily and detailed development of safety education was more ensured.


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