Haiyan County Nuclear Power Related Industry Alliance Holds Fourth Member Conference (Expanded) Meeting


On September 8th, the fourth member conference (expanded) of the Haiyan Nuclear Power Related Industry Alliance was held at New Century Grand Hotel. Liu Chongdu, the chairman of the alliance, made a work report, reviewed the work of the alliance over the past year and the work plan for next year, and representatives of affiliated companies made exchange speeches. County Nuclear Power Alliance Office Deputy Director Yao Dongming briefed on the implementation of the “2015 Haiyan County Nuclear Power Related Industry Support Policy” and interpreted the 2016 support policy. At the meeting, Gu Yinxiang, director of the Industrial Office of Shanghai Nuclear Power Office, was invited to give a special report on the development of the Shanghai nuclear power industry. Finally, Deputy Governor Qian Xueqin of the county government put forward three hopes for the nuclear power industry alliance companies. One is to continuously make use of the industry alliance platform to realize the nuclear role of newspaper development, dislocation development, and related development; Improve product quality and take the initiative to connect with nuclear power. Third, strengthen service awareness and form a special commissioner system. The county government will create a “shop small two” service awareness to help the nuclear power industry alliance develop.

The leaders of the County Government Nuclear Power Industry Alliance Honorary Chairman Yao Shenliang and the Director of the Nuclear Power Industry Office Xu Liuhua attended the meeting with representatives of member companies. The company's executive director Lu Ziqiang and the administrative affairs department Wang Hong attended the meeting on behalf of the company.


