Fuqing warehousing project department formulates daily safety morning shift meeting system


Safety is the lifeline of the nuclear power industry, the survival line of the Wanna Fuqing Storage Project Department (hereinafter referred to as the project department), and the happiness line of our nuclear power people.

Since the establishment of the project department, safety has always been the basis for project work. In order to improve the safety awareness and safety operation skills of operators and improve the level of safety production management of the management staff, the project department organizes all staff to conduct early morning safety meetings every working day . Learn a human incident at the daily morning shift. The causes of the incident are human factors such as non-compliance with regulations, illegal operations, weak sense of responsibility, and lack of post skills. Through anti-human error tools, safe operating procedures and warehouse management Publicity, and further improve the staff's job skills and safety awareness. Let everyone know deeply that we must integrate the concept of safe operation into daily work, properly use human error prevention tools, prevent non-compliance, and prevent illegal operations.

Learning through morning shifts will strengthen the cultivation of responsibility and questioning attitudes of everyone in the team. Do n’t easily let go of any small risks. Stop working and report back in time when problems occur. Work is carried out after the measures are taken to eliminate all risks that are not conducive to the operation. Conservative and safe methods are used to do a good job of each link, to ensure the safety of operators and items, and to ensure the orderly development of the work of the project department .

