The company was approved as "2016 College Student Entrepreneur Park" in Haiyan County


On July 20, 2016, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the County Science and Technology Talent Conference, the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau held the sixth batch of university entrepreneurship park enterprise promotion meetings, 9 new life college entrepreneurship park enterprise leaders, and 2 outstanding entrepreneurs. Park representatives and related town (street) entrepreneurial park work instructors attended the meeting.

The meeting was presided over by Xu Jianhong, deputy director of the County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and Wang Jie, the deputy chief of the Talent Development Section, put forward the basic requirements for entrepreneurship of the Xinming University Graduates' Business Park. Combined methods (do not participate in the assessment, deemed to withdraw), the government support policy grants 10,000 yuan to start the fund, and the assessment and evaluation of outstanding enterprises grant 20,000 yuan. Minister Zhang Lifeng, a talent liaison officer of Qinshan Subdistrict, provided reasonable suggestions for Xinming University Student Pioneer Park enterprises based on years of visits with enterprises. At the meeting, Deputy Director Xu Jianhong demanded 9 companies from Xinming University Graduate Park. According to the development of the company, they should define the orientation of the University Graduate Park, turn all college students into entrepreneurs, explore a set of own models, stimulate the vitality of the enterprise, and establish To build all the systems of the University Student Pioneering Park, there must be a system that is the "Regular Meeting System" with communication and exchange. Enterprises start a certain fund to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of college students, and require leaders to do a good job of college entrepreneurship parks.

At the conference, 9 leading companies in the Xinming University Graduate Park, introduced by the representatives of 2 outstanding college students, said that the establishment of the College Graduate Park is an enterprise that attaches great importance to talents, learns the management mechanism of the outstanding enterprise college graduate park, and starts business with college students. Park-oriented, according to the overall development planning of the enterprise, to provide college students with training platforms, research and development platform and other working mechanisms, to promote the development of university entrepreneurship parks and corporate "partners".

