Fuqing Warehousing Project Department participates in a single emergency drill of the Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant


On December 22, 2014, the Security Division and Health Physics Division of Fuqing Nuclear Power Company jointly organized an annual “Emergency Inventory Single Exercise”. The purpose of the exercise was to test and evaluate the emergency response capabilities of emergency inventory, access control, and traffic control, and to improve the emergency response capabilities and skills of emergency response personnel, and to exercise their actual combat capabilities in response to emergencies. A total of two emergency assembly points were set up in the BX building and the AB warehouse during the exercise. The exercise evaluation observers were responsible for the overall supervision and evaluation; a total of 20 people were dispatched from the equipment procurement department of the Fuqing warehousing project on behalf of Wanna Corp.

At 13:15 pm, the deputy general manager of the exercise commander Wang Yinhu announced that "the emergency inventory single exercise has officially started." Subsequently, according to the emergency broadcast notification instruction, the participants in the AB library responded in a timely manner, and completed the emergency assembly, counting the number of people, swiping cards, distributing and taking iodine tablets, and quickly evacuating. The exercise evaluation observers fully affirmed that the participants in AB Library (Equipment Purchasing Office) were well organized, responded in a timely manner, and carried out in an orderly manner. This exercise not only improved the employees' awareness of responding to emergencies and the execution of actions in an emergency, but also verified the integrity and applicability of the company's emergency response system.

After the exercise, the liaison persons of the participating offices and the exercise evaluation observers jointly participated in the exercise summary meeting in the 209 conference room of the security building, analyzed and discussed the problems found during the exercise, and formed action rectification items for follow-up emergency response. The improvement of response systems and procedures has accumulated valuable experience.


Participants in this exercise


During the exercise


During the exercise