The company held the annual assessment of department managers and supervisors at the 2014 annual level


In order to comprehensively and accurately grasp and objectively evaluate the performance of company department heads and managerial cadres in fulfilling their job responsibilities and completing annual work tasks, correctly identify and grasp the moral performance of cadres, strengthen management and supervision of cadres, mobilize enthusiasm of cadres, and improve work efficiency , Rational use of cadres, and then sum up experience, find deficiencies in work, improve work, and promote the improvement of company management. According to the spirit of the company's "Notice on the Management of Cadres of Zhejiang Wanna Shenhe Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd." (Zhejiang Wanna Renfa [2013] No. 4) document, the company, in the afternoon of December 18, 2014, Executive-level cadres conduct annual assessments.

The personnel participating in this evaluation include the management cadres of the administrative personnel department, the finance department, the commerce department, the engineering management department, the quality assurance department, and the technical department.

The assessment was conducted under the auspices of Director Lu Ziqiang. Managers of various departments and cadres in charge of each department successively reported on their performance of duties and tasks in 2014. In the job report, everyone carried out an inventory of their work in 2014, found out the highlights of the work, also found out the problems and rectification measures in the work, and made relevant suggestions for the company's future work. And hope.

After the cadre report, the director Lu Ziqiang summarized the work and stated that the management cadres who participated in the report should have a deep understanding of their own shortcomings, have a sense of improvement, propose correction methods, and implement them. The manager must supervise these shortcomings or deficiencies in order to make corrections and improve work efficiency.

In the end, Li Yongxian, the general manager of the company, made several requirements for the company's relevant leaders:

1. In this personal job report, some individuals explained that the matter was superficial, and there was too little correlation with the actual work. I hope that it can be linked to my main job performance in the future;

2. Everyone mentioned learning many times in the job report, indicating that everyone can recognize the importance of learning, and that we should expand our work ideas in the future learning and have more pioneering work;

3. There are related deficiencies in the individual's job description report. I hope that everyone will be good at discovering their own shortcomings in the future, and dare to face their own shortcomings and improve and perfect them.

4. All employees should learn to comb their work ideas at work and use corresponding working methods to improve work efficiency;

5. All departments should take the time to improve the work plans for 2015, summarize them as soon as possible, and report them to the company.