The company's 2014 college recruitment event officially launched


       In March 2014, the company's 2014 college recruitment event was officially launched.

        In this year's college recruitment activities, our company will adhere to the basic principles of "211" and "985" college admissions, supplemented by the enrollment of a college, combined with the demand of the company, to the colleges and universities to provide special recruitment lecture The form of the conference is to recruit outstanding graduates from various schools. Through the special lectures, the students can better understand the development status and prospects of China's nuclear power, have a deep understanding of Wanna Corporation and the nuclear energy industry, and have a clearer understanding of their own development platforms and opportunities.

       At present, the company has established close to 20 universities in and outside the province, covering Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Fujian, Sichuan and other places.

       In March-June 2014, the company plans to recruit about 50 outstanding graduates, involving machinery, electrical, nuclear energy, chemistry, engineering management, radiation protection and other majors.