Qinshan Nuclear Power takes multiple measures to "escort" G20


Qinshan Nuclear Power takes multiple measures to "escort" G20

Source: China Nuclear Industry News Date: 2016-08-31


  The steps of the G20 Hangzhou Summit are getting closer and closer. As one of Hangzhou ’s “Moats”, Qinshan Nuclear Power, which is located in Haiyan, Zhejiang, has implemented all measures to ensure safety and power generation. Hidden dangers, do not let go of any shortcomings, to ensure absolute security during the G20 Hangzhou Summit, this is a major political responsibility shouldered by Qinshan Nuclear Power.


Set up a special group to ensure that measures are put in place


In order to implement the security work requirements during the G20 Hangzhou Summit, as early as the end of July, Qinshan Nuclear Power established the G20 Hangzhou Summit Security Task Force, which clarified the leadership team and the operation support, maintenance support, technical support, information security and other special teams Organize the organization and responsibilities, etc., and formulate detailed emergency plans. At the same time, members are required to maintain smooth communication and ensure that work orders are accepted within 5 minutes. In addition, during the summit, members of each special group need to be on duty at the factory, and communication is kept open for 24 hours.

In addition, from August 26 to September 6, Qinshan Nuclear Power also carried out a comprehensive inspection of vehicles entering the plant. In order to avoid road congestion caused by vehicle inspections during the morning rush hour, Qinshan Nuclear Power used two batches of commuting at different times with an interval of 40 minutes.


Carry out special inspections


On August 22, Qinshan Nuclear Power led an inspection team consisting of the Production Planning Division, Safety and Quality Division, Security Division, and Joint Office to conduct the physical security of Qinshan 500kV Joint Switching Station, Qin No. 3 Hydrogen Production Station, and Qin No. 1 Plant respectively. A special inspection was conducted, and the implementation status of nuclear power plant security, hazardous source management, and safe production was carefully inquired, and a comprehensive inspection was carried out. The problems found in the inspection were immediately formulated and implemented.

In terms of information security, Qinshan Nuclear Power has implemented a number of G20 security tasks including management area risk assessment, Internet border security self-test, EM environmental emergency domain security check, VPN account check, SMS platform account check, and security report, etc., and Multiple rectification actions.

In addition, Qinshan Nuclear Power's various fields, departments, divisions, teams, and even each employee proceed from their own actual situation, check for leaks and fill vacancies, and effectively assume the political responsibility and lofty mission of power protection.

Among them, special inspections were carried out in five high-voltage classes of Qinshan Nuclear Power Maintenance. The inspection route includes the main transformer, the start-up transformer, the plant transformer area, and the Qinzhong 5421, 5422 lines. From August 1st to 27th, the inspection will be conducted every day; from August 28th to September 6th, the inspection will be conducted twice a day, and the weekend will be uninterrupted.

The temperature is currently in the hot summer, and the outdoor temperature is between 28 ° C and 36 ° C. The number of high-voltage shift inspection towers is 20. You need to go under each tower to check the steel feet and steel caps for rust, and watch the tower with a telescope. Bird nests, whether there are traces of flashover, cracks and burns on the surface of the insulator porcelain, and whether the insulator has self-explosion. When inspecting 10 iron towers located on the mountain, it is necessary to climb up the lush vegetation path. It is inevitable that the bare skin along the way is scratched with grass. The wounded skin is mixed with the sweat flowing from the heat and there is a wound. The smell of salting and the bites of mosquitoes make inspections a challenging task.

The main transformer, plant transformer, and start-up transformer areas have a lot of inspection content and need to record measurement data. Surveyors need to stand near the transformer and accept the test of high temperature of 40 ~ 50 ℃. Often after the lap, the inspector's body is soaked.

While facing such a harsh environment, all members of the five high-voltage maintenance teams still maintain a high sense of responsibility, and carry out down-to-earth, comprehensive and detailed inspections. This is the true portrayal of Qinshan Nuclear Power, providing practical guarantees for the safe and stable operation of nuclear power plants, and escorting the power of the G20 Summit! (Wang Zhengyan and Wang Lipeng)