China's nuclear power operation in the first quarter of 2016 released


China's nuclear power operation in the first quarter of 2016 released

Source: China Nuclear Energy Industry Association Date: 2016-04-26

    On April 26, China Nuclear Energy Industry Association released the report on China's nuclear power operation in the first quarter of 2016. From January to March 2016, a total of two nuclear power units in China were officially put into commercial operation, namely Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 (January 1) and Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 (January 1). So far, China has put into operation a total of 30 nuclear power plants with a total installed capacity of 28599.37MWe (rated installed capacity).

Unit I. Nuclear Power Production from January to March 2016

1 From January to March 2016, the country ’s cumulative power generation was 1355.14 billion kWh, and the cumulative nuclear power generation was 47.602 billion kWh, accounting for about 3.47% of the country ’s power generation (see Figure 1 for details). Compared with coal-fired power generation, nuclear power generation is equivalent to a reduction of 14.8245 million tons of standard coal, 38.804 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, 126,600 tons of sulfur dioxide emissions, and 109,700 tons of nitrogen oxides emissions.

1 From January to March 2016, 30 commercial nuclear power generating units continued to maintain safe and stable operation. The cumulative generation of nuclear power increased by 34.22% over the same period in 2015; the cumulative on-grid electricity generation was 43.863 billion kilowatt-hours, an increase of 33.75% over the same period in 2015.

II. Safety Production of Nuclear Power

From January to March, each operating nuclear power plant strictly controlled the operational risks of the generating units and continued to maintain safe and stable operation. There were no international nuclear incident classification (INES) level 1 or above operations. There were no major environmental incidents or radiation pollution incidents, no fire and explosion accidents, and no occupational hazard accidents in each operating nuclear power plant.

Third, radioactive effluent and environmental monitoring

In accordance with national environmental protection regulations and environmental radiation monitoring standards, and in accordance with the emission limit approved by the management department, each operating nuclear power plant has strictly controlled the emissions of radioactive effluents, and has effectively monitored the surrounding environment of nuclear power plants.

The environmental monitoring results from January to March showed that the emissions of radioactive effluent from all operating nuclear power plants were far below the national standard limits. The monitoring data show that the measured ambient air absorbed dose rate is within the fluctuation range of the local background radiation level.

24. Important events from January to March 2016

On January 1, Unit 3 of Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant and Unit 1 of Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant were officially put into commercial operation.

On January 19, during the visit of President Xi Jinping to Saudi Arabia, under the witness of President Xi Jinping and Saudi King Le Saman, China National Nuclear Corporation and Saudi Nuclear and Renewable Energy City signed the "Saudi High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor" Project Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding.

On January 27, the State Council issued a white paper entitled "China's Nuclear Emergency."

On January 28th, China's CF3 nuclear fuel assembly for the "Hualong-1" nuclear power unit completed the first fuel cycle irradiation test at Unit 2 of the Qinshan Second Nuclear Power Plant and began to unload from the core.

On February 2, China Nuclear North Nuclear Fuel Element Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China National Nuclear Corporation, completed the assembly of the first domestic CAP1400 nuclear power main pump depleted uranium flywheel, and completed the flywheel dynamic balance test. The test results met the design requirements.

On February 14, 4 sets of STEP-12 nuclear fuel assemblies and 4 sets of CZ zirconium alloy sample tube assemblies independently researched and developed by China General Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. were formally loaded into Unit 3 of Ling'ao Nuclear Power Plant and tested with the reactor. . The nuclear fuel bunkering verification signifies that CGNPC has fully grasped the research, design, manufacturing, and test technologies of nuclear fuel assemblies.

On February 20, China and the United States held their first nuclear security dialogue. Deputy Foreign Minister Li Baodong co-chaired with the US coordinator of the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit and Holgate, Senior Director of the White House National Security Council. The meeting, the State Council, the Ministry of Energy, and the Department of Homeland Security participated.

On March 10, the European Commission approved a joint venture between China National Nuclear Corporation and EDF to build the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant project in the United Kingdom.

On March 17, Hualong International Nuclear Power Technology Co., Ltd., which was jointly funded by China National Nuclear Corporation and China National Nuclear Corporation, was officially established.

On March 29th, Unit 4 of Ningde Nuclear Power Plant was successfully connected to the grid for power generation.

On March 30, China General Nuclear Power Corporation and Czech Energy Group signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Comprehensive Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear and Renewable Energy in the Czech capital Prague.