The first meeting of the National Energy Commission clearly launched a new nuclear power project


The first meeting of the National Energy Commission clearly launched a new nuclear power project

Source: Daily Financial News Date: 2014-04-21

    Under the increasing downward pressure on the economy, the state will start construction of a number of major energy projects such as coastal nuclear power and UHV power transmission. On April 18, the first session of the new National Energy Commission focused on strategic issues and major projects in energy development.

This move is given as an important measure to stabilize growth and improve energy security capabilities, and is also regarded as an effective starting point for adjusting the energy structure and transforming the development mode, especially "providing support for economic growth."

It is understood that the core information revealed at this meeting is that under the condition of increasing economic downward pressure, the state will start construction of a number of major energy projects such as nuclear power, UHV power transmission, solar power generation bases, and large hydropower stations.

This move is given as an important measure to stabilize growth and improve energy security capabilities, and is also regarded as an effective starting point for adjusting the energy structure and transforming the development mode, especially to "provide support for economic growth." It is worth noting that at this meeting, the keynote for nuclear power was to start only the eastern coastal projects.

New nuclear power project on the eastern coast will start

The last plenary session of the National Energy Commission was 4 years ago. The second plenary meeting of the National Energy Commission on April 18 this year released two important messages on the development of the energy sector: nuclear power and UHV.

总理 Premier Li Keqiang emphasized that a number of major projects are currently underway. "On the premise of adopting the highest international safety standards and ensuring safety, we should start the construction of new nuclear power projects in the eastern coastal areas in a timely manner."

In response to the development of nuclear power in China, the meeting clearly stated that it would start construction of coastal nuclear power. The development of inland nuclear power is consistent with the previous policy, that is, no inland nuclear power projects will be arranged during the 12th Five-Year Plan period.

强 Liu Qiang, an expert on new energy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that it is really necessary to be cautious when starting nuclear power plants inland. If there is security, it is not complicated, and it is a security issue. "In fact, the development of nuclear energy is a substitute for coal energy. Considering the actual situation of China's current economic development, the predicament of China's nuclear power development is not great."

记者 According to reporters, most of China ’s nuclear power plants are located in the eastern coastal areas, because there is no need to worry about water sources when constructing nuclear power plants here. During the power generation process of nuclear power plants, a large amount of energy will be discharged in the form of thermal energy and sufficient cooling water is required. The inexhaustible seawater in the coastal areas undoubtedly has advantages over inland rivers or lakes.

Some experts also said that due to the developed economy in the eastern region and more energy requirements, these factors will also be taken into account when constructing nuclear power plants, but more from a safety perspective.

In addition to the proposal to restart the construction of nuclear power projects in the east, the meeting also said that it is necessary to promote the centralized and efficient use of coal instead of extensive use, and to protect the atmospheric environment.

隽 Ke Jiang, a researcher at the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that from the perspective of clean energy development, now is the best time to develop nuclear power. "It can't be said that the use of coal resources has been suppressed, and nothing else can come up. Now is the time for the country to develop clean energy." He said that the compression of coal resources must definitely allow other energy sources to replace it, such as natural gas and nuclear power.

Using the third generation nuclear power technology

Twenty-three years ago, due to the impact of the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan, China made policy adjustments in developing nuclear power. In 2011, the State Council decided to suspend the review and approval of nuclear power projects, including those that are doing preliminary work, before the nuclear safety plan is approved. In October 2012, a series of nuclear energy plans were adopted to restart some suspended nuclear power projects, but inland nuclear power plants were excluded.

"It can't be said that without a project in ten years, domestic companies can't live. You have to give it, and the enterprise market can continue to develop. New projects should be explored gradually to promote technology improvement through the market." Liu Qiang said from a market perspective, In the future, domestic technology should be adopted as much as possible, because nuclear power is not like other commodities. It has a special aspect. If there is no project to develop, state-owned technology will regress.

网站 The website of the National Nuclear Safety Administration shows that since this year, the National Nuclear Safety Administration has approved the review of the selection of the site of Units 1 and 2 of Xu Dabao Nuclear Power Plant and the sites of Units 3 and 4 of Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant.

It is understood that the technology to be used by these two nuclear power plants is the third-generation nuclear power technology AP1000 introduced by China from the United States.

In response to energy technology issues, the meeting emphasized the need to actively create institutional conditions, focus on improving relevant professional services, and work hard to form a joint effort of all parties to promote the “going out” of advanced energy technology and equipment.

的 The call for "going out" of nuclear power has a long history. Liu Qiang said that supporting the development of Chinese nuclear power enterprises and "going out" are a strategic need in the future. In the global nuclear power market, in addition to technical strength, it is more a kind of capital operation. Chinese nuclear power companies need to have both technology and business models to "go global".

    Jiang Kezhen said that Chinese companies must "go global". Most of the nuclear power plants currently under construction in the world are in China. "Going global" is also in line with national strategic needs. China's technology is already very competitive.