Group Chairman Li Yongxian is a guest at Haiyan TV. Dialogue. Development of Haiyan-70 years of magnificence, marching into a new era


     In the afternoon of November 20, 2019, a dialogue hosted by the Federation of Industry and Commerce and the County Media Center, co-organized by the two new working committees of the county party committee, the united front of the county party committee, the county economic and information bureau, the county county party committee, and the county women's federation. The Endeavour New Age theme program was successfully recorded on Haiyan TV.

    Four famous entrepreneurs were invited to this program, and Li Yongxian, the chairman of our group, was also invited to participate in the program interview as a corporate representative. In Haiyan, in addition to nuclear power, 90% of the currently regulated industrial enterprises are private enterprises, and their total industrial output value accounts for 77% of all regulated industrial enterprises in the county. However, we know that the entrepreneurial road of private entrepreneurs has never been smooth.

   Even if it is difficult at the early stage of entrepreneurship, it is also the place where entrepreneurs start dreaming. For this dream, they are willing to travel mountains and rivers, and to suffer trial and error. At the show, Chairman Li Yongxian shared his entrepreneurial experience and talked about how to take advantage of changes in the external entrepreneurial environment to seize opportunities and achieve further and higher quality development.

   The other three entrepreneurs also shared their entrepreneurial experience and the future direction of the company.

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 Through this program, we also fully understand the development history of private enterprises. In the future, the group companies will continue to develop steadily and contribute to the private economy!
