Security Month Event Newsletter


June this year is the 18th “Safe Production Month” in the country. Wanna Shenhe Holding Group launched the “Safe Production Month” with the theme of “Prevention of Risks, Elimination of Hidden Dangers and Containment of Accidents”.

According to the "Notice on Carrying out Work Safety Month Activities in 2019", each project department carried out safety production theme publicity activities, safety production accident warning education activities, safety oath and safety month banner signing activities, heat stroke first aid training and drug distribution activities, On-site safety self-examination and self-correction activities, safety essay activities, and good practices in safety management.

In this essay activity, various projects actively submitted contributions and received a lot of excellent safety essays, especially the Fuqing commissioning project. It is particularly outstanding. In recognition of employees' active innovation, it is used for pioneering and keeping the spirit of safety in mind. The evaluation team decided to select Chen Weilian, Zhao Shugong, Wu Jincao, Zhao Haibo, Han Shanqing, and Hu Zhijian.





