"Safe Production Month", we are in action


In the sweltering June and the sweltering hot summer, our project department ushered in the 17th National “Safety Production Month” at Fuqing Nuclear Power, and started a new round of safety promotion activity season.

"Life is paramount, safety development" is the theme of this year's "Production Safety Month" event. In order to cooperate with the promotion of this theme, the project department downloaded the theme promotional videos of "Life First, Safety Development", "Precise Strategy, Keeping the Foundation of Prevention", "Blind Spot" and other series of safety promotion videos from the Internet. At regular safety meetings and pre-class meetings, organize employees to watch and learn.


The project department, as always, pays attention to safety training every day, and specially edits the "Safe Production Month" theme display board, which integrates safety knowledge, occupational health, and safety regulations, and prints in color, with pictures and texts, and opens up a new world of safety promotion.

Safety work is the joint participation of all employees. The successful completion of an activity is the result of the joint efforts of managers, executives and supervisors. The "Safe Production Month" event is also inseparable from the participation and support of all employees. On June 11th, all employees of the project department jointly signed a safety commitment letter, solemnly promised: safety first, unsafe, no production, and rooted my concept of safety in my heart.


During the time when work is relatively free, the project department specially arranges the re-training of the old staff for basic authorization, relives the memories when they enter the factory, and feels the charm of safety culture.

Safe production is inseparable from human error prevention. With the strong support of the Maintenance Support Office, the project department successively organized theoretical examinations and practical exercises to prevent human error. The tool for preventing human error has penetrated into the brain and integrated into action. The combination of theory and practice has led to a qualitative leap in the "Safe Production Month" of the project department.

The end of the month is approaching, and the "Safe Production Month" event is coming to an end, and our actions to strengthen safety management will always be on the road.

Wanna lifting anti-personnel drill successfully completed

On June 22, 2018, Wanna lifting operation organized an anti-human defense drill in the 8AF inspection hall, which mainly tested the project staff's understanding of anti-human tools and their ability to use them. The owner of the maintenance support department participated in the exercise as a judge, which further highlighted the authenticity and fairness of the exercise.


This exercise is based on the topic of hoisting a bucket full of obstacles through obstacles. The competition is conducted according to the actual operating standards at the site. After receiving the application form, the person in charge of the work will organize the members of the working group to borrow the necessary tools to carry out the hoisting operation. When the obstacle pile is touched, the water cannot be spilled, and the bucket cannot be stored beyond the storage range when the temporary storage point is in place. The entire lifting process seems simple, but it is a comprehensive test that tests the comprehensive ability of the lifting staff.


After receiving the work instruction, the person in charge of the competition team leads the team members to the work site, surveys the work site and performs a "work site inspection" to confirm the work content and the actual situation on site before starting the preparation work.


Borrow appropriate slings according to the actual situation at the scene. Due to the needs of the drill, the props are intentionally added with real / false defects. The picture above shows the lifting staff inspecting the sling on the spot and replacing the sling that does not meet the requirements for use. Seek help in a timely manner when it is impossible to determine whether the sling is qualified or not to confirm whether its quality meets the requirements for use. After fully confirming that the slings meet the requirements for use, take the slings to the site for use, to avoid potential factors that affect work development due to sling factors after arriving at the site. Although it is just a tool borrowing, it also shows that our lifting employees have a reasonable use of human-proof tools for "self-inspection", "questioning attitude", "pause when uncertain" and "independent verification".


Arrive at the job site and choose a suitable place to hold a pre-work meeting. The meeting will discuss and discuss the work content, lifting path, personnel division, risk analysis, and preventive measures, and confirm the mental state of the personnel. The lifting command and the driving driver jointly confirm the presence of foreign objects on the driving track, and carry out no-load test run of the lifting equipment to confirm that it is in good condition and available. After the company has reasonably set up the isolation warning area, the commander confirms again whether the isolation requirements are met and correctly uses the Anti-human factors such as "committee", "extrapolate" and "guardianship" will stifle potential risks in the cradle.


The lifting operation started. The finger of the hoisting equipment shouted the name of the hoisting equipment loudly, and instructed the driver to drop the hook head directly above the bucket with gestures and whistle. After checking the reliable connection of the spreader, the commander and the commander conducted a test hoisting according to the requirements of the procedure. After the test hoisting was correct, the hoisting operation was performed according to the specified path. In addition to the inspection of the use of anti-human tools by the lifting staff, the entire drill was a great test of the skills of the driver and commander and the emergency handling ability. It is also very light, so it is difficult to stabilize the hook. The entire lifting process is time-limited. There is not much time for the driver to stabilize the hook. The communication between the commander and the driver determines whether the bucket can pass the obstacle pile smoothly. The "three-way communication" tool is used between commanding drivers to ensure that the driver can accurately receive every password sent by the commander, and Sisso "monitors" the entire lifting process and stops in an abnormal manner to ensure that the entire lifting process is smooth under safe conditions carry out.

After the lifting operation is completed, the work site is cleaned up and the borrowed tools are returned. The person in charge of the work will hold a post-work meeting to provide feedback on the problems that arise during the work to avoid similar incidents in the future.


At the end of the exercise, the lifting project manager made a summary of the exercise and commented on various problems that occurred during the exercise. Through this anti-human defense drill, the lifting project also proved to Fuqing Nuclear Power's owner the understanding and use of the anti-human error tool by the lifting project staff, and the review owner also verified the anti-human defense of the lifting project. The drills are well praised. It is believed that in the future work, the employees of the lifting project will continuously learn and use the human error prevention tools in actual work, and continuously improve their understanding and proficiency of the human error prevention tools to strive for everyone All are anti-personnel model, better serve Fuqing nuclear power.