301 big correction type gold, new performance in lifting operation


Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 3 was successfully converted at 19:00 on January 14, 2018, and started grid-connected power generation. The 74.9-day 301 overhaul was officially concluded!

It took more than two months and more than 70 days and nights. The employees of Wanna Shenhe Fuqing Nuclear Power Lifting Operation Project worked together with the support and support of the maintenance support office to help each other, make new contributions, and complete the No. 3 safely and smoothly again. The nuclear island core hoisting of the unit, fuel-related component switching, unloading, loading, and various large-scale hoisting work outside the nuclear island, successfully completed all lifting and minor hoisting work of Unit 2 to maintain zero deviation in 301 overhaul industrial safety notification By Fuqing Nuclear Power Maintenance Support Department and Safety and Quality Department praise.


          Nuclear Island Sluice Hoisting

On the lightly lit nuclear island, hanging from time to time from the early morning of the East to the deadly night of night; in the sea-breamed PX plant, escort the sluice from the storage pool to the sluice, and in the routine of noise roaring Island, layer-by-layer material transportation covers -7.5 meters, 0 meters, and 8.5 meters; between CC wells where people travel, we check the gates back and forth between the storage pool and the gate pool; under the gantry, in the dome On the top, in the rain, in the cold wind, in the evening, at dawn ... Everywhere, the busy figures of the crane employees are kept, and the sweat of the crane employees is constantly dripping.


Nuclear island triangle spreader with hook

Every morning shift, experience feedback, safety tips, throughout the overhaul; each pre-work meeting, risk analysis, safety disclosure, is a compulsory course before lifting operations ...


3CC falls off Jingdeng ladder

The curtain of overhaul 301 has been lowered, and the curtain of overhaul 103 is about to begin. The lifting operation is always ready for a new journey ...