Party branch of Henan Chamber of Commerce organizes special party lesson of "Malan Spirit"


[On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, the Central Propaganda Department newly named 39 national patriotic education demonstration bases, and there is only one in Zhejiang Province --- Qinshan Nuclear Power! This is also Haiyan's first and Jiaxing's second national patriotic education demonstration base. The naming work is closely combined with the theme education of "Don't forget the original heart and keep the mission in mind", highlighting the historical changes and historical achievements of the party and the country in the 70 years since the founding of New China. 】

In the afternoon of November 8th, the Party branch invited more than 60 party members and fellow villagers and other representatives from Jiaxing Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station, Zhejiang University of Tongji University, Nanyang Vocational and Technical College, Jiahe Painting and Calligraphy Institute, CCB Nanhu Sub-branch, Jiaxing Bank, etc. Famous party members carried out a study tour of “Entering Qinshan Nuclear Power and Promoting the Spirit of Malan”, inviting Chen Wensheng, a cadre transferred from the Malan base, to conduct a special party lesson of “Malan Spirit”. Chairman Li Yongxian and members of the non-party member vice-chairman's team were invited to participate.


The spirit of Malan was cultivated and formed by officers and men of a test training base in the long-term innovation and development of the nuclear test cause. It is an important part of the "two bombs and one star" spirit. power.


Chen Wensheng recounted the moving deeds of Academician Cheng Kaijia, Academician Lin Junde and other members of the National Academy of Engineering at the Malan Base. For more than 40 years, inspired by the spirit of Maran, the majority of officers and men of the test base "will be incognito and intimidate, and bravely move the world", repeatedly creating miracles in the nuclear testing industry, and cultivating and creating a large number of "academician groups" and "technical generals" Representative of the scientific and technological elite and advanced models.


Party branch secretary and executive chairman Li Ming shared his feelings. He said that this was the second time to listen to "Malan Spirit". Although he did not shed tears this time, he was still moved. "Malan Spirit", "Two bombs and one star", "Red "Spirit of the ship" and so on are the precious spiritual wealth left by the ancestors. We must continue to learn and inherit. We hope that everyone will be based on their posts and make their due contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Most of the party members of the co-constructed units who participated in the event first entered the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant for the first time. They first learned about nuclear power at a close distance and understood the spirit of Maran. They shared shock and emotion when they shared their experience of participating in the event. The scientific and technological achievements such as the nuclear power plant, the atomic bomb, and nuclear weapons technology are important manifestations of the power of the motherland. The shocking feeling of seeing and hearing the great achievements of the motherland is beyond words. The silent and selfless dedication of the old generation of science and technology workers is prosperity and prosperity. An important force, everyone moved. Everyone hopes that the spirit of Maran and the Red Boat will be organically combined in the future study and work. It is necessary to firmly establish the long-term thinking of hard work and to treat hardships and hardships as the sharpening stones for the achievement of the cause. Creates extraordinary performance in the workplace.


 In the end, Chairman Li Yongxian hopes that everyone will keep in mind social responsibilities and play a good social role. Without the strength of the country, there will be no peace in the small family. We must keep in mind the heroes who silently paid their backs during the Heian era. I hope everyone will not forget their original intentions and do their job well. It is also hoped that the chamber of commerce and the co-constructed units will have more interaction and cooperation in party building and chamber of commerce activities in the future.
