Fuqing Nuclear Power Storage Project Staff's Day


In order to effectively meet the needs of the operation and maintenance of Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 1-4, we have a group of diligent and united partners in the Fuqing Warehousing Project Department of Wanna Shenhe Nuclear Holding Group. Everyone performs their duties and does a good job of managing the spare parts.


On the bus of the project department, the partners ushered in a new day.



At 8:30 in the morning, half an hour before going to work, everyone had already entered the office early and worked out today's work plan. It is a habit for everyone to enter the working state half an hour in advance.






The morning shift was over, and the partners in the storage team dressed their labor protection supplies neatly and went to the warehouse they were in charge of to conduct a daily "compulsory lesson"-warehouse inspection. Record the temperature and humidity of the warehouse, check the operation of the warehouse constant temperature and humidity machine, and check whether the goods are neatly arranged.



After receiving the goods delivery notification email sent by the purchaser, the receiving person applies the factory temporary pass for the delivery vehicle based on the arrival information, and comes to the factory entrance to check the appearance of the goods and confirm that the goods meet the requirements for receiving goods. Pay attention to the delivery driver's attention to the entrance, and take the vehicle to the dump site.



After the vehicle arrives at the unloading site, the loading and unloading group selects an appropriate loading and unloading method for loading and unloading according to the size and weight of the item. Safety officers arrived at the pre-conference meeting to highlight the main points of the unloading operation and supervise the unloading operation. During the unloading process, the loading and unloading personnel obeyed the command of Suzuo and safely completed the unloading.



After receiving the acceptance notice initiated by the purchaser, the inspection team notifies the custodian and the person in charge of the interface department to participate in the acceptance work according to the acceptance content and professional division of labor.



According to the application form, the clerk inquires the cargo location from the ERP system, accurately finds the spare parts from the warehouse, completes the issuance, and makes a record of the spare parts.



The personnel of the department participating in the acceptance of the item arrived at the appointed time, and the inspector notified the loading and unloading personnel to carry out the unpacking operation. During the entire acceptance process, the inspectors checked the materials, specifications, quantities, and quality of the incoming materials one by one to ensure that they were accurate and recorded the actual situation of the materials in the acceptance report. During the acceptance process, the custodian shall make all-round “photo taking” of the materials in the warehouse and mark them.



At the corner of the warehouse, the maintenance team is performing maintenance and secondary packaging of the unpacked spare parts. In order to prevent the spare parts from affecting the quality during storage, the existing stock spare parts are derusted, decontaminated, dust-removed, rust-proof packaging, anti-collision protection, vacuum packaging and other maintenance work.



The inventory group performs inventory work according to the ledger. During the inventory process, in order to reduce inventory errors, a two-person inventory and mutual supervision system are implemented. At the same time, the inventory staff will review the documents such as item photos to ensure that the accounts are consistent.



The document administrator updates the general ledger according to the storage information provided by the custodian, and compares the paper outbound receipts received today with the ledger and ledger information to ensure the accuracy of the ledger data and according to the type of documents Classified archives provide convenient for everyone to quickly access archived materials.



Comprehensive planners are preparing this week's warehousing weekly report to collect this week's materials arrival, acceptance, distribution, inventory and maintenance data.



"Today is a good day. Go to play? Shopping? Computer?" The atmosphere at work is always so active, but at this moment the security officer is still working silently. He flipped through the inspection records and photos of the day and summarized the work of the day Problems and safety precautions. At the same time, write the content of the next morning safety class meeting to welcome the next 8 hours.

The day of Fuqing Warehouse employees is ordinary and busy. On the stage of Fuqing Nuclear Power, they have dedicated their efforts and used a rigorous work attitude to do a good job as a "housekeeper" and a "guardian" of running spare parts. In ordinary posts, contribute to the stable operation of the unit.