Company conducts joint inspection of Tianwan Project Department QHSE


On February 27-28, 2017, the quality assurance department of the group company, the industrial management department, and the security department implemented the quality assurance inspection of the Tianwan Nuclear Power Unit 3 and 4 BOP instrument control commissioning project. This quality assurance inspection was led by Chairman Li Yongxian, and the participants were composed of Director Duan Shufang, Deputy General Manager Wang Chaorui, Manager Zhang Jianan, Director Shen Tao and Director Yuan Huan.

Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 and 4 Unit BOP Instrumentation Control Commissioning Support Service Projects Mid- and long-term technical service projects (hereinafter referred to as “BOP Projects”) are mainly responsible for the Tianwan Nuclear Plant Unit 3/4 Unit BOP instrumentation control systems / equipment Commissioning and maintenance of heavy equipment with instrument control system). The project department has a total of 14 employees. Project manager Li Guowei and project deputy manager Yang Shaofeng are divided into BOP group, instrumentation control group and electrical group, and are equipped with a part-time safety officer.

The main purpose of this inspection is to verify the compliance and effectiveness of the project quality assurance outline and related procedures in the service process, the effectiveness of the operation of the QHSE system, and the quality of service during the implementation of the project to meet the contractual satisfaction of both parties. The contents of the inspection mainly include the elements, processes and places covered by the project quality assurance outline and related procedures; the relevant requirements of the project contract; the compliance of the company's QHSE management system operation.

A total of 2 corrective action requests (CAR), 6 observation opinions (OBN) were issued during this inspection, and 2 rectification items were suggested. The project department consciously completed the rectification according to the suggestions made by the inspection.


Check related documents 1


Check related documents 2


General Manager condolences and communicates with employees


Speech by Deputy General Manager


Leaders communicate with Xiang employees


Sign in before the meeting


Sign in before the meeting


Sign in before the meeting


Work scene picture 1


Work scene picture 


Work scene picture 2


Work scene picture 3


Work scene picture 4


Leader site inspection