Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant 201 overhaul ends successfully


Overhaul, like a battle. Li Bing marries horses, soldiers and horses move ahead without moving food and grass, mobilizing before the war, and preparing supplies. The overhaul was a battle without smoke. Staff training, safety mobilization, technical knowledge, material storage and transportation, tool preparation, every job must be done in order to achieve victory in every battle, even if there is a temporary setback hungry". After experiencing wind and rain, I finally saw the rainbow, and the 201 overhaul ended successfully.

Wanna Fuqing Branch lifting, tool library, special garage management project department, as always, go all out to invest in Fuqing Nuclear Power 201 overhaul. On September 17, the project department held a safety mobilization meeting for newly-recruited personnel in the overhaul and signed the "Notice of Safety for Temporary Incoming Workers". On September 27, it organized a tool library safety technology mobilization meeting. Heavy operation, special garage safety technology mobilization meeting, on September 29, two days in advance officially kicked off the overhaul of 201.

All the staff of the project department are actively preparing for the war, carefully preparing, and compose a passionate battle song of overhaul 201 with full enthusiasm. In the face of setbacks, do not run away, do not get discouraged, be brave to correct mistakes, accept criticism with an open mind, and finally complete the overhaul task as scheduled!


 Overhaul safety technology briefing site 1 

As the overhaul of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant 201 started 2 days in advance, the workload of the tool library increased dramatically.

A large number of overhaul tools, consumables, and oil products are gathered together in the AB library, which greatly increases the workload of backing from the AB library to the tool library. In order to complete the task with quality and quantity, the tool library went to work regardless of job type, inspecting, registering, stacking, labeling, and putting on the shelves, so busy. From the morning when the sun was rising to the night twilight, the tool library continued to take turns in successive shifts to complete the work of reversing the warehouse.

With the overhaul, the loan amount and recovery volume of the tool library have increased exponentially. Records and inspections must be taken more seriously and responsible. One item is not missing. One item is good. The number, certificate, and label are all the same.

Since the overhaul, Mr. Xie Bo and Pan Bin, the tool library leader, have always been on the front line, timely resolving new problems encountered in the overhaul, resolving new contradictions, allowing the work of the tool library to continue to be effective, and making new contributions to the overhaul. .


Tool library overtime finishing tools site

Lifting operation shifts, both driving.

In order to successfully complete this overhaul, the lifting operation was divided into 12 groups, with three shifts in the morning, middle, and evening, taking into consideration the island and the island. Unit 2 was overhauled, and Units 1 and 3 were maintained.

From the beginning of overhaul to the present, the lifting operation has participated in the completion of the 2RX plant air duct maintenance lifting, reinstallation, pressure vessel cover, cover closure, up and down construction maintenance lifting, reinstallation, stretching machine transportation, cable bridge maintenance and lifting, Relocation of false roofs, operation and commissioning of fuel simulation assembly, lifting and operation of refueling of nuclear islands, lifting of shutters ...

Outside the nuclear island, the lifting operation is also very busy! Lifting and reinstalling of water gates of CC drop wells, lifting of a large number of maintenance tools, materials, and equipment from the AC plant to the gantry No. 2; lifting of CIF water gates of PX pump rooms; lifting of AA1 machine shop equipment materials; Lifting of material equipment, lifting of 7AZ warehouse material equipment ...

During the overhaul shift, Unit 3 rushed around, and the lifting operation took on the heavy responsibility of escort.

Inside and outside the nuclear island, where there is maintenance, there are the figures and sweat of the lifting operations staff.

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Stretching machine lifting                               Sluice plate lifting                       False top cover lifting

Working safely is a top priority.

In order to complete this overhaul, the project department strengthened the safety supervision and management during the overhaul from various aspects.

Mr. Xie Bo and Mr. Chen Shaolin, the team leader personally participated in the safety monitoring of major lifting work, and asked the teams to carefully conduct pre- and post-conference meetings and explain the risk sources and precautions in lifting operations one-on-one.

In addition to several technical mobilization meetings, the project department also used regular safety meetings, special class meetings, and WeChat groups to explain and implement the daily industrial safety daily report of Fuqing Nuclear Power and actively participate in the company's 100-day safety production quality competition.

In addition, the project department further strengthened safety training, inviting experts and owners' leaders to come and give guidance, morning shifts, pre-work sessions, post-work sessions, and multi-pronged approaches; increase the frequency of safety supervision and inspections, and add a full-time safety officer, each set Part-time safety officer to ensure that safety supervision of each lifting operation is not absent and comprehensive.


Pre-conference meeting on site                 


 Daily morning shift

 The two-month overhaul period was fleeting. The overhaul of 201 was finally completed. The rain and sweat on the employees had not been dried. The overhaul of 102 was about to begin ...