Unrestrained responsibility


In the early morning of July 4, 2016, with the severe stormy weather in the country, the Tianwan nuclear power plant in Jiangsu also ushered in the beginning of a day of work under the scene of "Heiyun overwhelming the city". Our Wanna Shenhe Tianwan BOP commissioning project department received an urgent notice from the owner and requested to cooperate with the manufacturer to modify the T0GCU01AA101 / 102 pneumatic valve of the desalination system and add a rain cover.

At this time, the sky has already rained a lot of rain and heavy rain may fall at any time. At that time, the pneumatic valve that has not been modified must be affected, which will cause the normal production activities of the salt water removal system to be hindered. Yang Shaofeng, the team leader responsible for the system's desalination team, communicated with the manufacturer immediately, held a pre-conference meeting, explained the work tasks to the team members, clarified the work risks, and determined the modification plan with the manufacturer.

At this time, time is our biggest enemy, and the pneumatic valve may be affected every minute and second. The members of the team were not afraid of the wind and rain, and immediately rushed to the work site to start the renovation work. In the wind and rain, the rain and sweat wet the clothes and cheeks of the team members, but our lads remained unmoved and focused on the work at hand. I do n’t know if it ’s because God is also moved by the spirit of our Wanna employees, the weather is gradually getting better. Seeing this, our team members are working harder and stepping up the work speed. The T0GCU01AA101 / 102 pneumatic valve of the brine system has been transformed.

Such a sense of responsibility is worth learning for each of us.

