People of Hainan Nuclear Power Dream Circle


People of Hainan Nuclear Power Dream Circle

                              --Written on the occasion of Hainan Nuclear Power Unit 1 being connected to the grid


Confirmed by the National Nuclear Safety Administration, China Nuclear Group Hainan Nuclear Power Unit 1 was successfully connected to the grid for the first time at 19:12 on November 7, 2015.

Hainan Nuclear Power Unit 1 started construction in April 2010 and was connected to the grid for power generation in November 2015. It took more than 5 years. In order to allow Hainan people to use nuclear power at an early date, nuclear power builders across the country have paid a lot of effort and Sweat. Build a small coastal village into an energy base in the southern part of the motherland.

In 2011, relevant technical personnel of our company arrived at the Hainan nuclear power plant site to participate in the commissioning and installation of equipment. So far, nearly 300 people have participated in various works at the scene, from the person in charge of commissioning, to the installation expert, from the nuclear island, to the steam turbine plant, from monotonic to joint tuning.

In the past five years of work, our staff has completed nearly 100,000 work packages, installed and commissioned nearly 20,000 various equipment (times), and sorted nearly 30,000 documents. Wangna people dedicate their strength silently.

After Unit 1 is connected to the grid, Wanna people will continue to do their jobs in Changjiang. While ensuring the safe operation of Unit 1, while doing the various tasks for the early connection of Unit 2 to the network, ensure that the scheduled time On-grid.

The operation of Hainan nuclear power will completely alleviate the power supply shortage faced by Hainan's economic growth, improve the energy structure on Hainan Island, benefit the majority of Hainan people, and allow the international tourist island to enter the era of green nuclear power, and write a new chapter for the development of national nuclear power .