The closing ceremony of our company's 2015 nuclear power basic theory training class was held


On the morning of October 16, 2015, the 2015 nuclear power basic theory training class held by our company in cooperation with China Atomic Energy Graduate School (401 Graduate School) held a grand closing ceremony in Fangshan, Beijing.

The closing ceremony was presided over by Zhang Jinsong, deputy director of the Graduate School Training Department. Li Jimin, deputy director of the graduate school department, made a summary of the graduation and issued a certificate of completion. The leaders of our company and relevant persons in charge of the cooperation unit also issued certificates for outstanding students and outstanding student cadres of this training course.

At the ceremony, the 401 graduate school teacher representatives and student representatives summarized the various issues of the training class and expressed their gratitude to the company, school, and students for their hard work.

As the company representative, Wang Hong, the manager of the company's administrative personnel department, made an important speech at the closing ceremony. First of all, I thank everyone on behalf of the company and Chairman Li Yongxian for participating in the ceremony. Second, I thank the teachers of the graduate school for more than three months Thank you for the hard work of Wanna trainees. Finally, thank the school for the excellent learning environment and living environment. On behalf of President Li, he put forward three expectations for prospective employees who are about to go to work:

1. Do a good job of changing roles: The school days have passed, and everyone is welcoming new jobs and social atmosphere. For everyone, there is more perseverance and expectation. We must adjust our mentality as soon as possible to adapt to the new Environment, obey management, shoulder a new sense of mission and responsibility;

2. Strengthen teamwork: In the new environment and new positions, everyone will be exposed to new knowledge and new work. While completing their own tasks, they must also have a good teamwork spirit and strengthen communication and coordination. Integrate personal strength into team motivation;

3. Have a healthy mindset: Beginning a job, focusing on learning, and maintain a good learning mindset. Look, act, think, and ask. Learn to listen, strengthen self-reliance, be strict with yourself, and treat others with kindness.

And I hope that everyone will be proud of "I am a debugger" and "I am a Wanner" in their future work and life. Strengthen learning, improve one's self-cultivation, and work and live better with questioning work attitude and honest life attitude.

At the closing ceremony, Zhong Xiaohua, deputy director of the commissioning department of China National Nuclear Engineering Corporation, and leaders of other cooperative units also made important speeches at the closing ceremony and sent everyone good wishes.

This training course started on July 13 and ended on October 15 and lasted for more than three months. During this period, the students of our company were successfully completed under the careful guidance of the graduate department leaders and teachers. The scheduled courses of study, examinations, and exam scores are all above 90 points, achieving the intended training purpose. The successful completion of this training has also provided a good guide for the company's professional personnel training in the field of nuclear power commissioning.


Awards for outstanding students


Awards for outstanding students


Group photo of participants