Our company participated in the third meeting of China Nuclear Power Related Industry Alliance


On August 27, 2015, the third member (expanded) meeting of the China Nuclear Power Industry Association was held in Haiyan Hotel. The participating units were the relevant functional departments of Haiyan County Party Committee and County Government, Qinshan Nuclear Power Group Corporation (funding), and China Nuclear Nuclear Power Operation Management. Co., Ltd. and other nuclear-related enterprises in salt.

At the meeting, Mr. Liu Chongdu, the new chairman of the Nuclear Power Industry Alliance, always invited the guests and member units to introduce the work situation of the industry alliance last year, and planned the work direction of the industry alliance in the second half of the year, and clarified the work ideas.

Mr. Li Yongxian, the chairman and general manager of our company, delivered a speech as the enterprise representative of the Nuclear Power Industry Alliance and expressed his gratitude to the county party committee, county government and nuclear power owners for their help and support. I made a report to the leaders and stated that they will continue to do a good job in the nuclear power industry and continue to contribute to China's nuclear power development.


Mr. Liu Chongdu, Chairman of the Nuclear Power Industry Alliance


Company President Li speaks