Competition skills, strong quality, being a pioneer


Competition skills, strong quality, being a pioneer

                                                                                                                                                      ——The first management program fun assessment activity of Fuqing storage project

On the afternoon of May 21, 2015, the first “Knowledge and Skills Competition” competition of the first management program fun assessment activity independently organized by the Fuqing Storage Project came to a successful conclusion. This "competition" not only enriched the spare time of all the staff, but also promoted their better familiarization with the operation process.

This activity is based on the various management procedures of the storage project, formulate the examination questions, participate in the entire staff, and group by position. The members of the assessment team first fill in the assessment form, determine the number, shake the dice in order of the number, determine the magnification, and finally from the question bank Select a question and answer. During the competition, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the contestants were high. After several rounds of fierce competition, each assessment team successively produced winners. Finally, the project leader, Hou Suijing, awarded the winner a certificate of honor.

Through this competition, everyone not only increased their enthusiasm for learning and management procedures, strengthened their awareness of doing things in accordance with the procedures, cultivated a good working attitude of all employees to be aggressive, and to achieve excellence, and achieved the expected goals.

A drop of water will never dry up only when it is put into the sea, and a person is most powerful only when he integrates himself with the collective cause. Our warehouse staff will continue to work together under the correct guidance of the leaders, and work together to dedicate ourselves to the future of nuclear power!

