Our company participated in Haiyan County Nuclear Power Industry Alliance 2015 Enterprise Management Training Class


From May 12th to 13th, 2015, the engineering management department of our company sent a member to participate in the first phase of the 2015 Haiyan County Nuclear Power Industry Alliance business management training jointly organized by the Haiyan Nuclear Power Association Industry Alliance and the Haiyan County Party Committee and the two New Industry Committees. Class ", a total of 56 trainees from 26 nuclear power affiliated companies participated in this training.

This training was mainly taught by experts from various fields such as Zhang Yinlin, Zheng Guowen, Liu Zhengjun, Zhou Xiaohang of Qinshan Nuclear Power Base, and the training content mainly included courses on nuclear safety culture, equipment management, quality assurance management, procurement management, storage management, and county nuclear power. Office leader Xiao Jianming attended the opening ceremony. This training not only deepened the understanding of nuclear safety culture and nuclear power management of nuclear power affiliated companies, but also enhanced the communication and communication between the nuclear power owners and the nuclear power owners, and played an active role for nuclear power affiliated companies to better serve nuclear power in the future. effect!



