The company paid tribute to the outstanding employees of 2014


In 2014, a number of outstanding employees who worked hard for the company's development emerged from our company. They played an exemplary and positive role in the company, at the same time carried forward the spirit of the owner, based on the premise of corporate development, and served nuclear power as a prerequisite. The goal is to work hard and diligently in their respective positions.

Now the company's assessment has selected the outstanding employees of the year: Cao Qifeng, Chen Guoliang, Chen Qinyu, Chen Zhigao, Ding Xiaoyan, Guo Xiangdong, Hao Guoxing, He Yan, He Shanquan, Hou Suijing, Hu Weixiang, Huang Yanqin, Jiang Xinfeng, Li Gang, Li Jun , Miao Longhai, Miao Xingpei, Pan Shenjun, Shen Yongjuan, Sun Jingjing, Sun Lianjie, Wang Jinjuan, Wang Xinghai, Wang Yonggang, Wang Yongmei, Wei Leling, Wu Qingmin, Xu Liang, Xue Qianghui, Yu Huaping, Yuan Haiyan, Zeng Zhibin, Zhang Liang, Zhang Yu , Zhang Yuguan, Zhou Yan, Zhu Qinming, Du Xiaotian and 38 others.

The company calls on all employees to learn from all the winners, use them as examples, unite, cooperate and forge ahead, and contribute their own strength to the company's stable and healthy development. At the same time, we hope that the above personnel will be more diligent, hard-working and better in the future. Grades.

In 2015, we will continue to evaluate employees. We hope that all employees will work hard in the new year to improve their awareness of safety and quality, show their outstanding side in the work, strive for excellence, and achieve a win-win goal with the company!


Sympathy and Commendation


 Sympathy and Commendation


Sympathy and Commendation


Company leaders and excellent employee representatives


Company leaders and excellent employee representatives