Warm congratulations to Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 1 on grid connection


At 17:08 on August 20, 2014, China Nuclear Group Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 1 was successfully connected to the grid for the first time.

Since the start of construction on November 21, 2008, Unit 1 has achieved important milestones such as cold test, hot test, first loading, and first criticality. The grid connection is a comprehensive test of the overall performance of the primary and secondary circuits of the nuclear power unit. At the same time, it indicates that Fuqing Nuclear Power has begun to create value for the society. Fujian has already been able to use the power generated by the Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 1. As of August 2014, China Nuclear Group has reached 10 nuclear power generating units.

The successful grid connection of Unit 1 of Fuqing Nuclear Power is also closely related to the hard work of various personnel of our company. As of August 2014, more than 200 people in our company had fought at the construction site of Fuqing Nuclear Power, involving civil management, safety Management, equipment commissioning, storage management, logistics support, nuclear fuel loading and unloading, etc. Especially in order to do the nuclear fuel loading and unloading work of Unit 1, the company's general manager Li Yongxian and deputy general manager Duan Shufang personally directed and selected a group of experienced personnel to participate in this work, starting from the second half of 2013 and lasting half a year For many years, this task was completed by June 2014, laying a solid foundation for the grid connection of Unit 1.

During the 6 years of Fuqing nuclear power construction, our company cooperated with relevant units and departments to actively complete various tasks, accumulated knowledge, trained talents, and built a group of professional nuclear power construction teams. At the same time, Witnessed Fuqing nuclear power from scratch, from small to large.

In the future work, all personnel of Wanna will continue to adhere to the company's management philosophy, firmly believe in the company's business philosophy, adhere to the company's work philosophy, and make better contributions to China's nuclear power industry.

Li Yongxian, the general manager of Wanna Corporation, led all my colleagues to express warm congratulations to Fuqing Nuclear Power Co., Ltd.!


Nuclear fuel loading site


Nuclear fuel loading site
