The company held a school-enterprise cooperation class recruitment publicity event during the 2014 college entrance examination


Studying hard for nearly ten years, now Wanna attracts talents

——Kaifeng Wanna held recruitment promotion activities for school-enterprise cooperation classes during the 2014 college entrance examination

      In order to better publicize and promote the school-enterprise cooperation class project between the company and Henan Chemical Technician College, and to absorb more high-quality freshmen for the company, Kaifeng Company made all efforts on the occasion of the 2014 national college entrance examination. High temperature, hot summer, and fought in the 8 largest college entrance examination sites in Kaifeng, to provide patient and meticulous explanations and consultation for the majority of candidates, accompanying parents and students who want to register.

      Regarding the introduction of talents, the company leaders have always attached great importance to it. For the recruitment and publicity work of the college entrance examination, the company conducted detailed investigation and careful planning. Combined with the audience of high school graduates, the company produced banners, publicity boards, color leaflets and admission brochures. The majority of parents are currently worried about the increasingly severe employment situation of university graduates. The staff gave them a detailed introduction to the relevant situation of school-enterprise cooperation classes and school running models, employment prospects and treatment, and the development trend of China ’s nuclear power industry. The company ’s future Development direction and company's career development plan for employees. The publicity work has attracted some parents who stayed with the test, and some parents also conducted detailed consultation and thought that this education and employment model was more targeted and provided new choices and opportunities for high school students.

      A total of 3,000 copies of enrollment materials were distributed during this publicity event, and more than a hundred parents were consulted. With the end of the college entrance examination, the company will organize staff to join the teachers of the Chemical Technician College to enter the village in the next stage, go deep into the students' homes, continue to expand the enrollment area and influence, do a good job of publicity and establish a company image for further enrollment Lay a good foundation.


Company personnel explain the admissions policy to candidates' parents


Company personnel explain the admissions policy to candidates' parents


Company personnel explain the admissions policy to candidates' parents


Company personnel explain the admissions policy to candidates' parents


Company personnel explain the admissions policy to candidates' parents