The symposium of the 38th Festival in 2014 and the recognition of the outstanding female workers in 2013


   From March 3rd to 8th, 2014, the company leaders and the company's labor union, women's work committee and other departments went deep into the company's project departments and conducted 2014 “March 8th” sympathy activities for female employees in batches. Employees distributed program gifts.

After the sympathy event, the company commended the outstanding female employees of 2013, and awarded honorary certificates and gifts. In 2013, our company selected a total of 30 outstanding female employees, and Liu Zhihui and Sun Chonggui were awarded this honor.

The company leaders affirmed all female employees' work in 2013, and hoped that they will strengthen their studies in future work, based on their own duties, respect the old and love the young in life, serve the family well, and play their due role And ability, create a good atmosphere, support the "Half the Sky", lay a solid foundation for a harmonious and beautiful life, and contribute their own strength to a happy and healthy family.
