

Inventory is to carry out an inventory of all or part of the warehoused items on a regular or irregular basis, so as to truly grasp the situation of the warehoused items during that period, and therefore improve and strengthen management. The purpose is to truly control the inbound, outbound and inventory of items, which can prevent the accumulation of too many items or the lack of spare parts, which is indispensable data for calculating costs and losses.

The difference between static inventory and dynamic inventory:

Static inventory is to lock the accounts before the inventory so that the inventory items cannot be entered or exited. After the inventory is completed, the inventory quantity is entered and then the inventory review is performed to correct the inventory quantity. This inventory is a static inventory in the general sense. Static inventory will affect the normal inventory demand. Generally, this method is used for items with low frequency or frequency of delivery. Other times are usually based on dynamic inventory, which can also be called perpetual inventory method.

Four methods of inventory:

1. The perpetual inventory method is to take inventory when entering the warehouse. The storage item is called the inventory transaction inventory.

2. The cycle counting method is to count a certain amount of inventory every day. Inventory is carried out according to the order of storage, the items that come in first are listed first, and the items that come in later are listed.

3. The key inventory method refers to those items that need to be counted (special inventory that is being implemented in storage projects). For example, the frequency of entering and leaving the warehouse is high, and the inventory is carried out once, or the items that are stored in the warehouse for a long time and have a lifetime limit need to be taken together; for the specially requested spare parts, the more important spare parts are taken into account. To reduce losses.

4. The regular inventory method is to regularly inventory the warehouse items. Generally, it can be divided into periodic, monthly, quarterly or annual inventory, and it needs to be inventoryed at least once every year.

As a nuclear power storage project, high-frequency inventory is required. A detailed inventory plan, comprehensive inventory records, and reference to good inventory methods are required. Higher inventory requirements can ensure high-quality storage of storage project items and escort the nuclear power industry.